Despite repeated assurances that the United States has no intention of interfering in Israel’s elections, suspicious evidence appears to link the White House with a nonprofit organization working to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud party. Victory 2015, also known as V15, is currently embroiled in an Israeli political scandal as the courts attempt to determine whether it has illegally collaborated with Likud’s main rival, the left-wing Zionist Camp coalition. V15 was created by an American nonprofit organization called the OneVoice Movement, which is led by leftists Daniel Lubetzky and S. Daniel Abraham. Palestinian Authority President Abbas’ son serves on the…
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On the eve of the new year, Israel celebrates an important diplomatic victory. After weeks of intense outreach to allies and members of the Security Council, Prime Minister Netanyahu was able to block a United Nations resolution presented by the Palestinian Authority that sought to bypass the peace process with Israel. The Palestinians wanted the UN to vote in favor of recognizing the Palestinian Authority as an independent state, based on the pre-1967 borders, with east Jerusalem as its capital. The resolution called for full Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria (known as the West Bank) and complete Palestinian independence…
Christmas almost took a deadly turn in Jerusalem this year. A shipment of supposed Christmas ornaments sent from China turned out to contain hundreds of low-grade weapons such as fireworks, commando knives, swords, brass knuckles, and stun guns. In an attempt to fool customs officers, the shipment was covered with a layer of genuine Christmas ornaments. Port authorities were suspicious, however, and intercepted the weapons shipment before it reached its final destination in a neighborhood of east Jerusalem. “These items have in the past resulted in wounded police officers, and interception is an important step in tackling riots and protecting…
The recent attack on a Jerusalem synagogue which killed five people is the latest in a string of violence and terrorism in Israel’s capital. The brutal murders are the most deadly attack thus far, and pressure is mounting on Israel’s government to find a way to stop the attacks and restore security to the city. Since September, Jerusalem has endured dozens of minor attacks against children on playgrounds, railway passengers, worshippers at the Western Wall, border policemen, and other ordinary citizens. Incidents range from rock throwing and firework projectiles to stabbings and car rammings. The people of Jerusalem no longer…
Four years ago, a group of Aramean Christians living in Israel applied for recognition as a separate ethnic group under Israeli law. Until now, this community has been lumped together with Arabs despite having nothing in common with their Arab neighbors except speaking Arabic. Arameans have lived in Israel since before Arabs conquered the Holy Land, and have retained a distinct culture as well as their ancestral language of Aramaic – the common tongue spoken in the time of Jesus. Led by Father Gabriel Nadaf, the Aramean community is anxious to shed their Arab identity and more fully integrate with…
Dissatisfied with President Obama’s lackluster support for Israel during the summer’s war with Hamas, Mike Huckabee rallied thousands of passionate pro-Israel Americans in front of Capitol Hill Sunday. Several members of Congress and leaders of various Zionist organizations attended the rally to affirm their support for Israel’s right to defend itself. “Thousands of Americans have come here today to express how important it is to support Israel, after Operation Protective Edge and the kidnapping and murder of the three teens,” Huckabee told the audience. “A clear call needs to go out from here that hasn’t been heard from the [Obama…
Israel’s prime minister spoke to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City today, and bravely defended his nation against the libel of war crimes in Operation Protective Edge. He also boldly implored world leaders to recognize the danger of Iran’s nuclear weapons ambitions and take decisive action to neutralize the threat before it is too late. Watch Netanyahu’s powerful speech in the video below.
Israel’s native Aramean Christian population is a very small but ancient group with ties to the Holy Land stretching back thousands of years. These people have a unique culture all their own, and still speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus and his contemporaries. When Arabs conquered the Holy Land in the seventh century, the local Christian population learned to survive by coexisting with Islam and learning to speak Arabic. For this reason, Aramean Christians have been mistakenly known as “Arabs” for several centuries. But for the last several years, members of this unique ethnic group have been lobbying for…
Hamas adopted a strategy that abuses and sacrifices Gaza’s civilians. Hamas hides behind Palestinian civilians, mosques, churches, hospitals, hotels, UN facilities and UNRWA schools while indiscriminately firing at Israeli civilians. This is a double war crime. Hamas’ war crimes and violations of basic morality should be widely condemned by all persons of conscience. The world should be outraged by Hamas’ use of human shields in Gaza.
Lee Habeeb, VP of content at Salem Radio Network, and Mike Leven, president and COO of the Las Vegas Sands, wrote this opinion piece for National Review Online. “The fact is that there is an occupying force in Gaza, and it’s Hamas. There is in increasingly larger swaths of the Middle East a real occupying force, and it is radical Islam in its various iterations. All of them are committed to ending not only Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, but Israel’s occupation of Israel.” Read the full story here.