Author: admin

When disaster strikes around the world, Israel is always one of the first responders. The massive 7.8 earthquake in Nepal on April 25th killed over 4,000 people and injured over 8,000 more. Tens of thousands of people are homeless, and the United Nations estimates that 1.4 million people are in need of food after the earthquake. A handful of countries have already sent teams of rescue workers and supplies to Nepal, and once again Israel is on the front lines of the relief effort. A day after the earthquake, 260 members of the Israel Defense Forces flew to Nepal with a cargo…

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Twenty-nine suspected Hamas operatives were arrested in an overnight raid in the West Bank on Wednesday, the Israel Defense Forces confirmed. The surprise operation was carried out jointly between the IDF, Border Police, Shin Bet security agency and the Israel Police. Those arrested, some of whom are senior Hamas officials who have served sentences in Israeli prisons in the past, were taken to Shin Bet facilities for investigation. The arrests were made following suspicions of Hamas-funded and directed plans to carry out terror attacks against Israel. Palestinian security officials said Wednesday the suspects were nabbed in and near the city…

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It would be hard to find anyone, outside of the Obama administration and the Iranian regime, who thinks the framework deal on Iran’s nuclear program that emerged last week is a good deal. American lawmakers don’t trust it. Israeli officials despise it. And other Middle East countries, namely Egypt and Saudi Arabia, fear it. Here’s why. A final deal won’t be negotiated until June, but the framework agreement described by the Obama administration raises several concerns. First, the deal is only designed to halt Iran’s nuclear weapons research and development for ten years. In a decade, the issue resurfaces and…

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Benjamin Netanyahu will remain Prime Minister of Israel for a fourth term after his party’s surprise victory in the recent Israeli elections. In his acceptance speech, Netanyahu outlined the challenges Israel faces in the coming years and revealed his deep sense of responsibility for protecting the future of each citizen. “It is with a deep sense of responsibility that I accept from you the task of forming a government. I must tell you that I am as moved as if this was the first time and I am well aware of the magnitude of the responsibility placed upon me. Citizens…

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Despite President Obama’s opposition to his visit, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke before both houses of Congress this week with a message of warning. The prime minister meticulously outlined the threat posed by a nuclear Iran and the danger of accepting a bad deal which will not prevent Iran from achieving its goals. Netanyahu was received with warmth and admiration from Congress, in stark contrast to the cold shoulder from the White House. View Netanyahu’s passionate plea for Congress to intervene in the video below.

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To say that President Obama doesn’t want Prime Minister Netanyahu interfering in his nuclear negotiations with Iran is an understatement. The Obama Administration has made increasingly hostile moves toward Netanyahu in recent weeks as they seek to prevent him from speaking to Congress next month. Never in the history of US-Israel relations has there been this much public tension between the leaders of the two nations. When Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress, the White House was offended that they were not consulted beforehand. Since then, various Administration officials…

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Despite repeated assurances that the United States has no intention of interfering in Israel’s elections, suspicious evidence appears to link the White House with a nonprofit organization working to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud party. Victory 2015, also known as V15, is currently embroiled in an Israeli political scandal as the courts attempt to determine whether it has illegally collaborated with Likud’s main rival, the left-wing Zionist Camp coalition. V15 was created by an American nonprofit organization called the OneVoice Movement, which is led by leftists Daniel Lubetzky and S. Daniel Abraham. Palestinian Authority President Abbas’ son serves on the…

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Israel’s border checkpoints have an undeservedly bad reputation in the mainstream media. Pro-Palestinian activists and those sympathetic to their cause often use the checkpoints to support their claims that Israel is a racist and apartheid state bent on oppressing the Palestinians. The truth paints a very different picture. It is true that Palestinians traveling between territories controlled by Israel and the Palestinian Authority must pass through checkpoints guarded by Israeli soldiers and border police. Yes, this is inconvenient, but most often is no more a hassle than a standard inspection when crossing the US-Canadian border, for instance. Unfortunately, these stops…

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Prime Minister Netanyahu met with outgoing Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird in Jerusalem and thanked him for his country’s friendship and shared commitment to fighting Islamic extremism and terror. Under the leadership of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Canada has become an increasingly outspoken ally for Israel. Watch the statements by Netanyahu and Baird in the video below.

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On the eve of the new year, Israel celebrates an important diplomatic victory. After weeks of intense outreach to allies and members of the Security Council, Prime Minister Netanyahu was able to block a United Nations resolution presented by the Palestinian Authority that sought to bypass the peace process with Israel. The Palestinians wanted the UN to vote in favor of recognizing the Palestinian Authority as an independent state, based on the pre-1967 borders, with east Jerusalem as its capital. The resolution called for full Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria (known as the West Bank) and complete Palestinian independence…

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