Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke yesterday in honor of the 68th anniversary of the historic day which laid the foundation for the re-birth of the State of Israel.
“Today is the 29th of November. Sixty-eight years ago today, on the 29th of November, the UN decided to recognize a Jewish state in the Land of Israel, a decision that advanced the establishment of the State of Israel. The next day, Jewish communities were under increasingly murderous attacks. As it was then, so it is today; we continue to fight terrorism. This terrorism has been with us for almost 100 years and we have defeated it time and again; we will defeat it this time as well.
What drives this terrorism is opposition to the existence of the State of Israel as the national state of the Jewish People within any borders. Joining this opposition is radical Islam, which is currently striking around the world: In Paris, London, Madrid, Mali – of course there are no settlements or territories, but there are here, and there as well there is basic opposition to the very existence of these entities, of free, independent and democratic societies.
We stand on our right to live in a Jewish and democratic state: A Jewish state as the national state of our people, a democratic state, a state that respects all of its citizens regardless of religion, race or sex.”